Legal notice


Caisse Fédérale de Crédit Mutuel

Cooperative company in the form of a public limited company with a capital of € 5,458,531,008
Registered: Strasbourg “Trade and Companies Register” B 588 505 354
Intra-Community “Value-added tax” number FR 62 588 505 354 00013
Registered Office : 4, rue Frédéric-Guillaume Raiffeisen - 67913 Strasbourg Cedex 9
Telephone : 03 88 14 88 14
Bank governed by articles L. 511-1 et sequentes of the Monetary and Financial Code
Publication director: Mr Nicolas Thery, Chairman

Crédit Industriel et Commercial

Joint stock company with board of directors and supervisory board and a capital of €608,439,888
Registered Office : 6, avenue de Provence - 75009 Paris
Registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register 542 016 381
Intracommunity VAT number : FR 34 542 016 381
Telephone : 01 45 96 96 96 Credit institution approved by the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution [French Prudential Control and Resolution Authority]
ACPR : 61, rue Taitbout 75436 Paris cedex 09
Publication director : Mr Daniel Baal, Managing Director.


Simplified joint-stock company with a capital of € 53,212,140
Registered Office : 4, rue Frédéric-Guillaume Raiffeisen - 67000 Strasbourg
Registered with the Strasbourg Trade and Companies Register B 312 730 674
Telephone : 03 88 14 88 14



Simplified joint-stock company with a capital of € 53,212,140
Registered Office : 4, rue Frédéric-Guillaume Raiffeisen - 67000 Strasbourg
Registered with the Strasbourg Trade and Companies Register B 312 730 674
Telephone : 03 88 14 88 14

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